Monday, October 28, 2013


We have been learning about 2-D shapes in class. What are the names? How many sides does it have? How many vertices does it have? What kind of attributes does it have? What is an open shape? What is a closed shape?

We made pockets on our jeans and sorted the shapes.

Heat, Light, and Soud Energy

We have been discussing about every day light, heat, and sound energy.


Today, we specifically focused on sound energy.

One of our weekly sight words for last week was thương which means love. 

 This week, we will be reading Halloween poems in Vietnamese to go with the Halloween theme.

The students now know how to start sentences saying:
I like = Em thích
I love = Em thương
I see = Em thấy
I eat = Em ăn
I drink = Em uống

Spoooooky October!


Monday, October 21, 2013

Two of Everything!

We read the book Two of Everything which was about a poor couple named Mr. Haktak and Mrs. Haktak. One day Mr. Haktak discovered a mysterious pot while digging in the yard. He took it home to show Mrs. Haktak, come to find out it was a magical “doubling” pot. Mrs. Haktak accidentally fell in the pot when she got startled by Mr. Haktak and when Mr. Haktak pulled her out, there were TWO Mrs. Haktak! Since the couple didn't have much money, they thought if they dropped coins in the pot, the coins would double and soon enough, they'll be rich.

After reading this fun book, we made our own magical doubling pot!