It’s so crazy how time has flown by and we’re
finishing up the last month of the school year already. This is the time of the
school year where our schedule gets super duper busy…with fun things, of course.
I was definitely feeling the love this week for
Teacher Appreciation Week. I even cried while reading a present given to me
from the whole class. I overheard a student asking another student “Is she
really crying?” Yes, I really was crying…I am the biggest baby in the world! Lol. Thank you
for all who donated money towards the gift. It really meant a lot and I love it!
Now I need to find a place to hang it :)
This is a picture of half of my presents I
received this week. I ate almost all the chocolates I received already. It’s
very hard to say no to chocolate when they are just sitting on your desk!
I can officially say I am ALMOST done with
testing. I just have to test 2 more kids and enter in the test scores. It’s so
crazy that I have managed to teach and assess each student 3 different test in
the past month—the TPRI, DRA, and a progress monitoring test we have to turn in
to the principal. On top of all this testing, there are one million and one
more things us teachers need to get done for the end of the school year!
On Friday, we combined frisbee day and bubble
day since it rained on Thursday and we couldn’t go outside for recess.
(Bao and Peyton are playing outside. The 2
friends see 15 birds, 2 ducks, and 2 rabbits. How many animals did Bao and
Peyton see?)
(Nancy wants 17 dogs, 11 bunnies, and 10
horses. How many animals does Nancy want?)
During math, we are doing work problems that
require the students to add 3 numbers. We learned how to line up the place
values when adding and when we add, we have to start in the ones place and work
our way to the tens then hundreds. Since this is what we are doing in class,
you will see that the homework for last week and this week will be a lot of
adding and subtracting with double digits.
I started challenging some students to do the
math word problems in Vietnamese this week. I’m so happy to see how much
Vietnamese they have picked up.
In science, we have been learning about the food chain and food web. We have specifically been working on vocabulary words like:
--Make sure you check the “Announcements”
tab. There are a lot of new events for the month of May!--
Silly Quote of the Week:
Outside during recess he found a piece of glass and brought it to
Mrs. Skalaban…
A: “I found a piece of bird
Sounds like somebody’s been watching too many forensics shows at
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there this weekend! The kids made some crafty things this week for Mother’s Day
that I hope made it home nice and straight. I say this because I’ve noticed the
kids are starting to just stuff papers inside their backpacks without much care
lately. Yikes.