Saturday, January 30, 2016

Wrapping up January-- "ROCKing" out and learning about area and perimeter

This week we learned about natural and man-made resources. We put on our jackets, bared the wind, and went outside to search for things that were natural or man-made resources around Summitt. We recorded our ideas in our science journals.

 We did a fun activity early in the week. If we had a lot of rocks, we would build…
-a hotel
-a house
-a pool
-a Pokemon temple
-a school
A playground
These are just some of the pictures the kids created. Come by our classroom and check them out!

Look at our cute rocks we made.
 “Rocks can be…”
These will be our new sight words. We will be working on the “TH” and “NH” blends. I decided not to give the kids a sound check on our last words because these past two weeks have been very hectic and we didn’t get to spend a lot of time in class to study the words so I didn’t think it was fair to test the kids on them.
 Our New Years costumes finally came in!!! Luckily, all the outfits fit the kids. No alterations needed! Only TWO more weeks until we perform for the school and the community. This upcoming Tuesday, we will be doing a dress rehearsal.

 In math, we worked on finding perimeter and area. We also created our Valentine’s bags. I know it’s a little early but these upcoming two weeks will be very hectic so I wanted to get them done and checked off the list of to-do’s. I will be sending home more Valentine’s information this upcoming week.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Graphing, Rocks, and New VLA Sight Words

 We have been practicing our New Years Performance almost every day in class. The performance for the school will be on the morning of Thursday, February 11th and the night performance for the community will be February, February 12th at night. The kids have been doing real well. For the next couple of weeks, we will be going on stage more to practice.

 In math, we worked on graphing bar graphs and picture graphs. Here is a jelly beans graphing activity we did one day this week.
 We did a class graph of our eye colors.

In science, we are learning about rocks. We sorted rocks by looking at them and sorting them by characteristics. We learned that igneous rocks are rocks that are hot and than cooled down. They can be blown out from volcanoes. Sedimentary rocks have layers. Metamorphic rocks are rocks that changes over time.

We got our new class pet this Wednesday. Meet our tarantula! 

Our new VLA sight words. We are working on the NG and NGH blend. This blend is kinda tricky to say. I told the kids that in order to say this blend in words, you have to slide our tongue against the roof of your mouth. 
Since this week was a little funky and we didn’t have a lot of time in VLA, we will extend learning these words another week and have our second VLA sight check this upcoming Friday.
 A little late, but I forgot to mention that our class won the attendance award again! That’s two months in a row. Mrs. Cumming came by about two weeks ago and we celebrated a vanilla pudding party.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Happy 2016!

It’s 2016 and it has been a great start. The kids are slowly getting back into the groove of routines. I traveled to California for the winter break and it was really nice. I felt refreshed for another semester of teaching. I hope everyone had a relaxing break also!

I've kind of been slacking with keeping up with the website so here's a little catching up!

Coming back, we warmed up our little brains by finding the sum of 10 and then adding on. We did lots of fun foldables in math that week.
 We also worked on expanded form and base 10 representations.

This week, we have been learning how to add/minus 10. 
We also started working on our Lunar New Year Performance. The performance will be on Feb. 11 and Feb. 12. The students are real excited about it. They’re doing really great during practice. I took Mrs. Skalaban’s kids up on stage on Friday to practice but haven’t had time to take my own homeroom. There’s just NEVER enough time during the school day.

 Dowser Dan came to visit Summitt on Thursday and he taught us how to conserve water. He also had songs teaching us where our water we use come from. Ask your child what they learned from Dowser Dan!
 Nothing makes a teacher happier than seeing all 18 of her students engaged and writing sentences in a different language in their journals! We worked on G and GH initial sounds. We also took our first sound check in VLA. Most of the kids did pretty well.  

In Mrs. Skalaban’s the students worked on writing their New Year’s Resolutions. Look at how cute their work are. My resolution is to drink more water, be in the best shape I’ve ever been by visiting the gym more, and to travel more!

Remember--We have a 3 day weekend!!! Woo-hoo!