Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone has a great Easter! I made the kids an Easter egg with a little fun stretchy rabbit in there. I will be sending home a field trip permission slip next week. Please sure you are checking your child’s folder and reading every night!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday--3 Day Weekend

 Our schedule has been so crazy we haven’t had science buddies for the past two months. The kiddos were extra stoked to find out we were having science buddies again this week. Since we have been learning about plants, our science buddies did a little experiment with us, teaching us about plants. The first graders put seeds in in a bag and placed it in a wet paper towel. In the next couple of weeks, the seed will start sprouting. The first graders also made “chia pets” with their 5th grade buddies. These chia pets will start to grow like crazy in the next couple of weeks.

 We learned about parts of a flower and each part’s job.

We learned about what plants need to survive.

In math, we have been learning about measuring weight. We did activities over which object was heavier/lighter and we also worked with our bilingual buddies using a balance scale. It was so fun seeing how much fun the kids were having with just a balance scale and finding pictures from magazines.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


I am so glad it’s spring break. I came down with the flu leading into spring break during the school week and then came down with bronchitis. Glad to say, I have recovered although I am still finishing up my antibiotics. I hope everyone is enjoying their break so far! When we come back, we will have March 25th off for Good Friday. In April, we will have our last field trip to the Austin Nature Center. Be looking for the permission slip in the next couple weeks.

We have been learning about fractions in class in math. We worked on reading fractions, coloring fractions, writing fractions and even writing our own fractions word problems.

In science, we have been learning about bodies of water, saltwater VS. freshwater, and nonliving VS. living things. This picture taken below was from one of our experiments of sink/float in saltwater VS. freshwater. I told the kids they could use anything in their school supply box for this. Some decided to put in a bead, a lip balm, scissors, gluestick, crayons, etc.

In VLA, we took a test about a week ago on KH and GI blends. This week we will be taking our sound check on our new ending blends we have been working on for the past week.