Saturday, May 20, 2017

We just reached the last Friday of the School Year

Here are some writings we did this week with our sight words. The kids have came so long compared to the beginning of the year. We will have our last VLA sound check during the last week of school. I can’t believe there’s only 7 days of school left.

Ever wonder how we practice our sight words? To practice our Vietnamese sight words, we sit in a circle with our white boards, glove and marker. We write the word, write a sentence using the word and then draw a picture. Instead of me leading the whole group lesson, I ask the kids who wants to be the teacher for the day and they will lead it for me. It’s super cute.

 We worked on bodies of water this week in school and did a drawing activity.

 We went on a walking field trip to the Milwood Austin Library this Wednesday. We were so lucky it did not rain on us. It was a fun, quick trip. Mrs. Richey even joined us!
 We finished our last Robotics class this week and the kids LOVED it. Who doesn’t like to put Legos together to program it to twirl and chirp?
 Sadly, we had our last Science Buddies lesson this Friday. It was so fun. The kids had a “snail Olympics” with their buddies. The snails competed in the high jump, the obstacle course, the sprint and other events.
 In four more years, our lovely first graders will switch roles with their 5th buddy and get to be the “big” science buddy!
Don’t forget tomorrow is our Dual Language picnic!! It is from 11:30-2:00. Come out to enjoy some music, food, hopefully some sun and to get wet!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

It's About Time We Learn About Time!

This week, we started our unit on telling time. We started telling time to the hour and then started telling time to the half hour. We will continue telling time to the half hour this upcoming week. 

The kids got to play Time Travel on ABCYa! during math centers this week.  

 Thank you to the Zimmerman family for providing us with perfectly cut delicious watermelon for our watermelon day on Friday. We got to taste the watermelons outside and then described the watermelon.
Watermelons are…
Watermelons can…
Watermelons have…  

 On Friday, we went to the STEAM lab to create some tortoises and hares with some 5th graders. There was a contest going on to see who could make the most original tortoise and hare. Sammi won the best hare and Michael won the best tortoise.  

We did our last Vietnamese writing for the month of May. It says “This summer, I want to go to…”  

The kids finished their clay pots in art class. I didn’t want to send these home Friday because they had their Mother’s Day gift to carry and I didn’t want these breaking so I will send these home Monday.  

Saturday, May 6, 2017

First Week of May

In math this week, we learned about perimeter and area. Here is a picture of our new math bulletin board.

The kids got to create their own area robot and their own area person. They had fun with this.

 In Mrs. Skalaban’s class, the children have been working on writing how-to papers. They created their “how-to take care of a pet.”

During VLA time, we created some chicks and their life cycle using transitioning words.

Thank you for those who showered me with gifts this week for Teacher Appreciation Week!