Sunday, October 15, 2017

Christopher Columbus and Science Buddies

In Social Studies, we discussed about who Christopher Columbus was and why he was so important.

 We learned that Christopher Columbus had 90 men on his voyage and had 3 ships. Santa Maria was the biggest but his favorite was the Nina.
We had our first Science Buddies this week! Science Buddies is when we meet up with a 5th grade science class and the become the teachers and teach us about science. This time, we made ooblek and the 3 stages of matter. 

The 5th grade buddies were so sweet and made each child a welcome card along with little gifts. Our first graders really felt loved and can’t wait to go back to learn some more science next month! 

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Soaring Skyward, Toy Party, Apples, Mid-Autumn Festival, Compass Rose, Word Problems!

Get ready for a long post. Things have been so busy lately that I haven’t had time to update the blog so this post will be two weeks worth of learning.

In Mrs. Skalaban’s class, the kids wrapped up their 5 senses activity by using apples. They tasted it, looked at it, measured it, smelled it, and even weighed it. They also learned about Johnny Appleseed and did their September writing.

What a busy Friday it was last week. We had Soaring Skyward and Mid-Autumn Festival on the same day. I was at school from 6:45 in the morning until 9:30 at night. In class, we watched videos and read books about different myths of Mid-Autumn. Our next big event will be Lunar New Year. I will be sending home a costume form soon so we can order clothes for our show in February. I need it back as soon as possible because these costumes are coming from Vietnam so we need to place orders so all costumes can be made in time and shipped back to Austin. We will probably start practicing our dance starting in November. I’m still searching around for costume designs and picking out a song for our performance.

 Soaring Skyward was such a busy and hectic day but most of all, it was FUN! Thank you all for sending your kids to school in our tie-dye shirts, tennis shoes and a lunch. We have already started planning for next year’s Soaring Skyward AND Mid-Autumn Festival!

Both classes earned enough links to touch the floor to earn a party. Skalaban’s kids picked a ice cream party and my homeroom picked a toy party. The links on the right is Skalaban’s and the one on the left is my class. Skalaban’s kids actually were a lot behind but caught up and beat my class. In the picture, you can see that my class only needed one more link to earn a party and they were able to do it the next day.

We started word problems this week in math. I love doing word problems because reading the problems works on the kids’ reading skills, builds vocabulary and it brings out the artist in them! Look at how cute these pictures are! We only worked on addition problems this week. We will be doing subtraction this upcoming week.

 We worked on our Original Works art creations yesterday. This is a school fundraiser. Looks at these owls : )

 Mrs. Cormack, our Spanish teacher, taught us body parts in Spanish this week through songs and dancing.

In Social Studies, we learned about the compass rose and also different bodies of water.

Meet our new class pet!