Monday, December 9, 2013

Money, Generated Alphabet, and Field Trip!

Our Christmas tree is set up! The kids really enjoy when I turn off the classroom lights and they get to work in a dim room with the Christmas lights on.


I have extended our money unit an extra week, only because I feel we could use another week of identifying coins and counting coins.  

Parents, please work on this skill with your kid at home also!
Next week, we will be working on identifying 3-D shapes.


We played a money race game (in Vietnamese) last week, which the kids did really well working together and helping each other add up their coin values. I have added this game to the center and the kids have already rushed over there after finishing their work to play this game.
To add the value of coins, we learned the "hair" trick. If you're ever wondering what all those straggly lines your child is drawing on their's their "hair" trick. Ask your child to teach you. It sounds like a silly concept but the kids get it down real fast when adding up coins.

Every month, my class and Mrs. Skalaban’s class update our class alphabet both in English and in Vietnamese.

We had a field trip to the Zachary Scott Theatre this morning to watch "Holiday Heroes" and it was a blast for the children. They really enjoyed the silly play. It would be a good place to take your family for the Holidays.

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