Friday, January 24, 2014

Snow Day!

Happy Snow Day!

I hope everyone enjoys their unexpected day off playing with the snow outside! Be safe!
The Teacher Talent Show has been canceled due to weather.

This week we worked on adding and subtracting 10 from any given number and identifying place values (location of the hundreds, tens, and ones spot.)

For most students, this was an easy concept. Next week, we will continue our place value unit working more ones, tens, and hundreds manipulatives and the following week we will start our unit on fractions.


My afternoon class finally earned their link party this past week. To earn a link party, for each compliment they earn in class, I add a link to our link chain. When it gets long enough and touches the floor, they earn a party in which they vote for. The class voted on a movie and popcorn party but with the upcoming busy schedule we have for the next week, I promised them we would have the party sometime in February. My morning class has earned two parties already and in the process of earning their third party.

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