Saturday, April 11, 2015

Austin Nature Center, Measuring Capacity, and Learning About Frogs!

This week was a very exhausting week. I think I took a nap every single day after work this week. As the end of the year gets closer, our schedule will get busier…and more fun! I will start my testing this upcoming week with the kids for their end of the year reading level. 

I created some new math centers for the students that I introduced this week. They seemed to have really enjoyed them. If you have any extra Easter eggs or any empty cereal boxes, please send them my way! I can reuse these to make math centers in class.

We worked on measuring capacity and with a scale using non-standard measuring tools in our class this week. The kids really had a lot of fun with this unit.
We found out that 388 unifix cubes could fit in the Goldfish container! And yes, we sat there and counted up to 388 in Vietnamese altogether. It felt like FOREVER. lol.

I asked the kids to get misc. things around the classroom for me to weigh on our scale. After finding an object, we put it on the scale to see how many unifix cubes equaled the weight of our object.

I gave the students their own scale to weigh misc. things in the classroom to weigh with their bilingual buddy. They got really excited during this activity that it got really loud and I had to remind them to keep their voices down because Mrs. Skalaban was trying to give them their soundcheck next door. I’m glad they had fun though.

We made our own measuring scale looking for pictures in magazines. We learned that when an object is heavy, the scale goes down. When the object is light, the scale goes up. A student referred this to as a “seesaw.” Good observation J

In Spanish, the kids learned this rain poem with Mrs. Cormack. They made this which I decided to hang up in the room. Now the students are exposed to Spanish, English, and Vietnamese in the classroom.

In science, we learned about frogs. We brainstormed what frogs look like, what they can do, what they eat, and what they have. Then we  made these super cute little frogs in class with our facts inside our frogs. We also learned about the frog life cycle!

Here are some pictures of our field trip on Wednesday.  This was a very educational field trip. I hope the kids had lots of fun. Ask your child what they learned! Thank you for all the parents who came to join us! 

We finally earned our ROOT BEER FLOAT party! The next party they voted for will be a PJ and movie party.

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