What gloomy weather! This weather makes me not want to do anything but lay in bed
all day. We really do need the rain though. Hopefully it will clear next week
so we can go outside to play again instead of having indoor recess.
In math, we have been working on skip counting by 2’s, 5’s and
10’s. Look at the kids hard at work.
It makes me very proud to see the kids produce sentences
independently in Vietnamese Language Arts. Even my non-viets are producing
their own sentences independently. Kids really do absorb quickly what they are
taught. This is only our third time writing in our journals using our weekly
sight words. We have been practicing reading a fall book in class that they
kids are enjoying.
-I will be out the morning of Oct. 29th but will be back for the afternoon.
-Our Halloween party will be Oct. 30th at 1:45-2:30. Thank you for all those who have already brought in Halloween treats for the party!
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