Saturday, January 21, 2017

MLK, Link Party, Dimes/Quarters!

We continued our money unit this week. We worked on identifying what the heads and tails of dimes and quarters look like and how much they are worth. I am so amazed at how quick these kids are picking up money. Previous lessons we have done throughout the year are being incorporated into our money unit like the ability to skip count by 1’s, 5’s, 10’s and place value. It helps a lot of the children to see the amount of money as “how many tens?” and “how many ones?” and break it down into “how many dimes and how many pennies will I need?”
Parents, please feel free to practice counting real coins that you find on the floor at home, between the couch cushions, or even coins dropped on the floor in the car : )
We continued our math warm-up counting coins and making certain amounts. The children could have used the fake coins we had in class (which they preferred) or they could have drawn out the picture.

We wrapped up our lesson on Dr. Martin Luther King this week. On Friday, we drew a picture and wrote about what our dream for the world was. Some kids wrote about how they wished no one would litter and keep the world a beautiful place to live in and some wrote about how they wished everyone would be nice to each other and get along.

On Friday, the kiddos got to bring in their teddy bears. They worked on compare/contrast in Mrs. Skalaban’s class with each other’s bears and then wrote about a story with their bear that included a problem and a solution.
Both classes earned their link party on the same day! Mrs. Skalaban’s class voted on a toy party and my class voted on a popsicle party. We celebrated both parties on Friday.

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