Sunday, March 26, 2017

Body Parts, Generation Zero, Lucas Miller, 3D Shapes, New Class Pet

In VLA this week, we ended our unit on AN and IN blends. I graded their sound checks on Friday and they did very well! Next week, we will have 3 different blends we will work on. Also in VLA this week, we learned about our body parts in Vietnamese. Here is an activity we did that’s hung up on the wall by the bathrooms in the back of the room.

A group from Keep Austin Beautiful came and did 2 lessons with us on Tuesday and on Thursday. On Tuesday, Ms. Sarah taught us about our community and different vocabulary words like compost, recycle, plastic, paper, landfill, and etc. She taught us the difference between things we should recycle and things we should throw in the trash can. Then we went outside and had a little relay race.

On Thursday, Ms. Sarah came back and helped us build a little compost bin with worms inside that we will be keeping in the classroom. The kids helped her shred newspaper and squirt water in the bin. They even got to touch and observe worms…yuck :-/ We will have one more lesson in April.

We did our monthly Vietnamese writing. This month we wrote about “If I caught a leprechaun, I will…”

Some said they would steal his gold, some said they will catch him and lock him in their room, some said they would trap him in a cage, some said they would trap him and then feed him dessert.

Lucas Miller, a singing zoologist visited Summitt this past week. You can check out some of his catchy songs on YouTube.

In Mrs. Skalaban’s class, the kids wrote about The Legend of the Bluebonnets and painted lovely pictures of Bluebonnets.

My homeroom class earned their link party. They voted on a toy party so we celebrated it on Friday.

We wrapped up our unit on shapes and will be starting fractions for the next two weeks. On Friday, we learned about which shapes stack, roll, or slide.

INTRODUCING…..our new class pet!

Please remember that we have a field trip to watch Junie B. Jones this Friday! Please have your child wear their yellow tie-dye shirt and bring a sack lunch if you checked the option to bring a lunch.

Next week, I will be sending home another field trip permission slip to the Austin Nature Center. This will be our last field trip of the year.

The Happy Camper Book Fair begins, Monday, April 3 and runs through noon on, Friday, April 7.  While book fair is an annual highlight for many of our students, there are those students who spend a tortured week looking at all they cannot afford.  In fact about 30%, that’s over 200 of our students are considered economically disadvantaged.  If the remaining 600 students from mid to high range SES homes can each donate $1 or $2, we might have up to $1200 to help those students purchase new books.

Please consider participating in our All for Books change drive, so that we make sure all our Summitt Eagles are able to purchase one new book of their very own.

How Can Your Classroom Participate:
  1. Pick up a change bucket from the library on, Monday, March 27.  This will be yours to keep, so pick one you like!
  2. Explain the All for Books change drive to your classroom.
  3. Listen for the announcements each afternoon to find out what coin to bring the next day, and which classrooms are in the lead.
  4. Each morning, collect change and count up your total.  Let Mrs. Richey know how much money your class has collected by 1:30 each afternoon.
  5. The classroom with the most change on, Friday, March 31, wins a Make-Your-Own Trail-Mix Party and 45 Minute Reading Camp-Out in the library!

Funds will be distributed amongst students throughout the week of bookfair.  Thanks for your support!

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