Saturday, August 26, 2017

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the 2017-2018 school year! As the week went on, the kids are getting used to their first grade schedule. Mrs. Skalaban and I kept our homeroom for the first two days and we started switching classes on Wednesday. There's nothing like starting a school year with the solar eclipse and ending it with a hurricane! Stay dry out there.

This is a picture of the kids doing their first math activity on the first day of school. This past week, we worked on recognizing numbers and counting. My goal was to have each kids fluently count up to 10 in Vietnamese. Next week, we will be working on recognizing dot patterns and using ten frames. We will be learning how to compose numbers to equal to 10. 

We read the book Lacey Walker, Nonstop Talker which was about an owl who never stopped talking. She talked so much that one day she lost her voice and learned that when she stopped to listen to others, she could learn so much about them that she never knew before. As a class, we talked about how we could be a good listener and what a good listener looks like.

We explored math centers this week. We’re having a little difficulty cleaning up quickly and quietly but we will continue to work on it!

 We worked together as a table to create our “golden rules” poster in class. The kids did SO well working together and not arguing. Before I handed them the poster, we talked about how we could take turns so everyone was able to participate. 

In social studies, we learned about how to be a good citizen in class. We used our SS spirals for the first time this week and drew two pictures of how we are a good friend.

In Mrs. Skalaban’s class, the students learned about scientists and the different kinds of scientists we have.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to e-mail me, call me or even leave notes in your child’s daily folder. I check folders every day.
I am also looking for someone to help me stuff daily and Monday folders every Monday morning. If you are interested and willing to help, I would really appreciate that! 

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