Thursday, April 17, 2014

4 Day Week -- Yippy!

This week definitely flew by.

We’ve been so busy in class that I’ve been coming home and taking 2 hour naps every day. I even took a 4 hour nap one day last week! I can’t believe I’m updating our class blog at 2:00AM. I can’t fall back to sleep and had the urge to update our blog since I didn’t have time to do one last week.

This week we will not have robotics since Fridays are our robotics day and we don’t have school. Last week, the kiddos worked together to build a “twirling bird” with multiple lego pieces from a kit. They did SOOO well looking at the manual to assemble the product together. I’m not going to lie, I had to really think and pay attention to the steps when trying to help some of them out. A lot of them were much faster when coming to build the “twirling bird” than me.

TA-DA!!! This is the finished product.

When hooked up into the computer, it is supposed to spin.


In science, we focused on different categories of animals since we went on a field trip today. We read fun books and generated a class anchor chart. The students were just so interested this week especially because animals are always so fun to learn about.
The left side is from my homeroom and the right side is from Mrs. Skalaban's afternoon class.

We just wrapped up our measuring unit in math. We learned about measuring area, length, temperature, weight, and capacity within the last 2 weeks. We’ve been using less of our math spirals and more of the envision. I chose envision because it has colorful visuals I thought the kids would enjoy. The children practice these envision papers with their math partner and then on the last day of the week, they take an assessment over what we have learned.

Marivilla’s mom, Charline, did such a great job on our Spring Fling basket! Thank you for everyone who put in a donation towards our basket and a big thanks to Charline for putting our awesome basket together!

The Spring Fling fundraiser supports Ms. Barbara Neill, our wonderful computer teacher!

Silly Quote of the Week

I was reading them a read aloud about mammals and we were discussing about how all mammals have hair.

E: “Even humans are mammals even if we are balding.”

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