Friday, April 4, 2014

April Fool's Week

We got through the first week of April. Looking at my calendar this week, I realized we only have about 2 more months of this school year to complete. Time sure flies by quick. As the year comes closer to an end, it only means our schedule will get more busy and fun!

This week, my homeroom class earned their root beer float party. My afternoon class just earned their dance party, which we will be celebrating sometime next week. For the month of March, our class and Mrs. Farnsworth’s class won the perfect attendance award. Mrs. Farnsworth’s class had 99.1% and we had 99.4%. Out of the whole month of March, there was only one day that 2 students were absent. Pretty impressive I must say. Mrs. Cummings came by and rewarded us with an ice cream cone party. Delicious!

We spent about 2 days learning different bones in our skeletal system. The kiddos really enjoyed this activity.

In math, we focued on measuring lengths of different things around the classroom with paper clips and cubes. We also used different body parts. We agreed that when we measure:
-We don't leave any gaps
-Start at the beginning and stop at the end
-Put the paper clips or cubes close to the object we are measuring
-Make sure the the paper clips or cubes are straight
-No overlaps

At the beginning of the week as a class, we were trying to find "big foot" in the class. We traced our shoe, cut it out, and compared the sizes of our feet from shortest to longest. As a result, we found out that my foot was as big as a first graders :-/ Students were fascinated by this big piece of butcher paper hanging up on our math wall and would come meausre some of the feet with a ruler during math center.

Các em đo giày- Measuring the sizes of our shoes
Ngắ́n Nhất- Shortest
Dài Nhất- Longest

Silly Quote of the Week:
L: “What happens when you tell an egg a joke? It cracks up!"

I will be sending home a field trip permission slip this upcoming Monday for our next trip on April 17th. Please return it by April 10th.
Thanks for those who sent in supplies!

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